Visiting The Red is about so much more than just taking in nature in all its glory, its about the community that surrounds that love of nature. If you want to commune with like-minded adventure seekers, these are some of our favorite spots for shared spaces in Red River Gorge.

A climber’s paradise near the Muir Valley climbing park, BedRock offers both private rooms and bunks with stylish common areas and an outdoor gathering spot.
Read more about BedRock or book now.
Climber’s Home

Located conveniently in Stanton, KY, Climber’s Home is exactly what it says it is – a hostel built by climbers, for climbers. Each guest gets a private room with shared bath and kitchen spaces. Amenities include WiFI (of course), but the piece de resistance is a full climbing gym inside the hostel for training before you hit all the crags The Red has to offer.
Miguel’s Camp Bedrooms

Everyone knows Miguel’s for pizza, many know it for its climbing shop and campgrounds, but did you know they also house a several hostel-style bedrooms at their camp site? If you want to be right in the middle of the action and steps away from delicious food, these lockable 2 bed rooms might be the perfect fit for you.